We are pleased to have assisted our client in a settlement with Asbury Park Convention Hall's principal building owner Capital Guidance, the multi-billion dollar international private equity firm that owns all of the buildings on Asbury Park's storied boardwalk.
Our client was caused to fall from his bicycle outside Convention Hall due to the negligence of the property owner. He suffered severe fractures to his hip and elbow. There was no lost wage claim or medical expense claim involved. The settlement was for our client's pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life.
According to Thomas De Seno, Esq., who handled the case, "The owners of the boardwalk buildings in Asbury Park have let them stagnate and deteriorate for the past 15 years, instead of developing them. They are becoming increasingly dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists, particularly Convention Hall and The Casino."
If you have been injured in a fall, auto collision, work injury or victimized by one of Asbury Park's dangerous e-Scooters, call us today.
For a free consultation contact us:
Thomas De Seno, Esq., LLC
3600 Route 66, Suite 150
Neptune, NJ 07753
t: 848-863-8800
f: 848-863-8900
email: TDeSeno@DeSenoLaw.com