Terrific $100,000.00 jury verdict in Monmouth County. My client was rear-ended in a traffic collision. My client suffered a herniated disc in her neck with two years of treatment including epidural injections. She lost some time from work. My client was also subject to the lawsuit threshold. Geico, representing the defendant, hired an engineer to testify that injury is impossible in a low speed auto accident. Geico offered $0.00 to settle the case and forced us to trial, even though the accident was defendant’s fault. The jury awarded my client a verdict of $100,000.00 to compensate her for injuries.

For a free consultation contact us:
Thomas De Seno, Esq., LLC
3600 Route 66, Suite 150
Neptune, NJ 07753
t: 848-863-8800
f: 848-863-8900
email: TDeSeno@DeSenoLaw.com