Great $550,000.00 verdict in Ocean County, NJ. Plaintiff, a 62 year old woman, had a 20 year history of degenerative disc disease in her neck with treatment, and had a pre-accident recommendation of surgery. The car accident was a rear-end hit. Three months after the accident, Plaintiff underwent a cervical fusion surgery. Farmers insurance handled the defense, and hired an engineer to say Plaintiff could not have been injured in a 3 mile-per-hour accident. At trial Farmers offered $50,000.00. The jury awarded Plaintiff 10x that, $500,000.00, and her husband $50,000.00 for loss of services of his wife.

For a free consultation contact us:
Thomas De Seno, Esq., LLC
3600 Route 66, Suite 150
Neptune, NJ 07753
t: 848-863-8800
f: 848-863-8900